Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hosting Static Website in Amazon S3 with Bucket Root Document configuration using CSS Corp CloudBuddy Personal

This blog aims in helping the cloud (AWS) user to host their static website in Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service).

The user need to follow the below provided steps, to be successful in hosting website in cloud.

Step 1: Create new Amazon Web Services account using the below provided URL  

Step 2: Sign Up For Amazon S3

AWS provides several features to host static website and manage the data associated with it in Amazon S3. The user will also be able to configure a bucket in S3 as a website and server default index and error html documents.

If the user got a registered domain, he / she can add a DNS CNAME entry to point to the Amazon S3 website endpoint. For example, if the user got a registered domain, say,, he / she could create a bucket, and add a DNS CNAME entry pointing to<region> All requests to will be routed to<region>

CSS Corp CloudBuddy Personal helps the user to do all the operation that mentioned above. For more details about CloudBuddy Personal please refer and download latest version of CloudBuddy Personal.

After successful installation of CloudBuddy Personal, follow the steps provided below to configure the static website:

·         Launch CloudBuddy Personal
·         Add Amazon credentials to CloudBuddy Personal
·         Click on the S3Sites button
·         S3Site window will popup, using which user will be able to create websites
·         Select the website record and click sync button, which will result in successful hosting of website in S3.

For more details about S3Site plug-in please refer user manual