I am a newbie to Mac. I have seen people saying that learning a new
programming language each year is worthy to enrich programming skills
.As a beginner to the IT field I feel interesting to explore new
things . I would like to share the knowledge I am gaining in finding
out the difference between C#.NET and Objective C Programming
languages through my blogs so that this will be helpful for any one
moving from C# to Objective C.
direct comparison of both the language seams to be awkward as both
are built to use different platform, different frame work, different
development environment. Objective C uses Cocoa and Cocoa touch
frameworks where as C# language is built to use .NET frame work. Both
are rich frameworks in their own purpose and rights as Cocoa and
Cocoa touch targets the Mac OS X & iPhone,iPad respectively and
.NET obviously
the Windows. Similar case with the IDE also, Xcode is the common IDE
used for developing Mac application. And Visual studio the usual IDE
used for coding C#.NET.
begin with syntactically Objective C which is advanced form of C by
adding object orientation to it. Where as C# I would say derived from
C++ and JAVA. The major difference in both these language comes in
fact that C# has a dot notation to access methods. Objective C talks
within objects by passing messages. C# releases the head ache
of separating the declaration from implementation of classes and
methods when compared to Objective C. Unlike C#, in Objective C the
classes and methods are declared at one end and implemented at other
end. I would like to introduce the way how Objective C differs
syntactically for declaring class and methods.
any xcode project using objective C two files are created by default
one in where the declaration is done called .h file and .m where the
implementation take place.To declare and implement a class and a
method in C#
class addition
void add(int a,int b)
for operation....
as in Objective C the code is
for operation......
is the
keyword used to declare a class and not similar to interface in c#
.If you are looking for the interface
of C# in Objective C then it is '@protocol'
Objective C. Any class started must end with an '@end'
as shown above. The function 'add' is declared in the class with two
parameters separated by the colon . The implementation is done in .m
file .
call a function in C# we go for
addobject = new addition();
could be accomplished in Objective C through the following codes
*addobject = [[addition alloc]init];
interesting thing that I noticed was the string syntax in objective C
and C#. I have used regular expression in C#.NET where I used @
symbol with strings in double quotes to denote quoted string
literals. Where as in Objective C it denote the CoreFoundation string
major fact for any person new to Objective C is the memory
management. C# provides automatic garbage collection and these has to
be done manually in IOS. (ie) every call to alloc should be matched
with end of current scope.I would also like to explain the concept of
memory management in my up coming blogs..